What is Technopreneurship? Definition, examples, importance, and comparison to Entrepreneur

Francis Kagai
8 min readDec 24, 2022


Introduction to Technopreneurship

The world's most innovative businesses were started by technopreneurs. Some examples include Amazon AWS, Alibaba, eBay, Google, and FaceBook among others. In this article, we will look at technopreneurship from different angles to understand what technopreneurship is and what it is not. We start with the meaning and definition of technopreneurship.

What is Technopreneurship?

Technopreneurship is the process in which a business-minded person relies on technology to start, develop, and make a business venture profitable. The process starts by identifying a business opportunity and then coming up with a product or service that exploits that opportunity to maximize profit. The process also involves managing the day-to-day operations of the business.

To be a successful Technopreneurship, a combination of technical skills, business savvy, and creative thinking skills are needed. This means that technopreneurs must have the ability to identify and solve problems, create and market innovative products or services, and manage the financial and operational aspects of their businesses.

Additionally, a strong understanding of emerging technologies and the ability to identify opportunities that can be leveraged using those technologies to create value for their customers is an important attribute in a technopreneur. Besides, they must also be able to adapt to changing market conditions and continually innovate to stay ahead of the competition.

To understand technopreneurship in a better way, we need to compare it with entrepreneurship since it is a form of entrepreneurship.

This video is followed by a complete step-by-step guide to a technopreneurship business you can start with no capital. More details are in the video description. More Details

Similarities of technopreneurship and entrepreneurship

The first similarity is that both technopreneurship and entrepreneurship involve starting a new business venture and growing it: The two processes involve identifying a business opportunity, developing a product or service, and building a business from the ground up.

Secondly, technopreneurship and entrepreneurship require some level of innovation. Technopreneurs and entrepreneurs both need to be innovative to create value for their customers and stand out in the market. This may involve developing new products or services or finding new ways to solve problems.

Thirdly, technopreneurship and entrepreneurship require risk-taking: Starting and growing a business involves taking risks, and both technopreneurs and entrepreneurs must be willing to take calculated risks to succeed.

Another similarity is that technopreneurship and entrepreneurship both require a mix of skills: Technopreneurs and entrepreneurs need a mix of technical, business, and leadership skills to succeed.

Additionally, technopreneurs and entrepreneurs both require strong problem-solving skills: Successful technopreneurs and entrepreneurs can identify and solve problems to grow their businesses.

In a nutshell, technopreneurship and entrepreneurship share many similarities, as both involve starting and growing a business venture and require a mix of technical, business, and leadership skills. The main difference between the two is that technopreneurship involves using technology to create and innovate in the business, while entrepreneurship can encompass a wide range of industries and businesses.

Importance of Technopreneurship

Technopreneurship is a key driver of economic growth and innovation, as it allows entrepreneurs to bring new products and services to market and create new jobs. It is a growing field that offers a wide range of opportunities for those with the skills and vision to succeed as technopreneurs.

Technopreneurship can solve problems: Technopreneurs use their technical skills and knowledge to identify and solve problems, which can lead to the creation of new products or services that address unmet needs or challenges.

Technopreneurship fosters innovation: Technopreneurs are often at the forefront of emerging technologies and can use those technologies to create innovative products and services. This can drive progress and lead to new and better ways of doing things.

Technopreneurship creates opportunities: Technopreneurship creates opportunities for individuals to start and grow their own businesses, which can lead to financial independence and personal fulfillment.

Technopreneurship can improve quality of life: Technopreneurial ventures can improve the quality of life for individuals and communities by creating new products and services that solve problems or meet needs.

Technopreneurship topics

i. Identifying business opportunities: Students will learn how to identify business opportunities and determine whether they have the potential to be successful.

ii. Developing a business plan: Students will learn how to create a comprehensive business plan, including market research, competitive analysis, and financial projections.

iii. Marketing and sales strategies: Students will learn about different marketing and sales techniques, including online marketing, social media marketing, and email marketing.

iv. Funding and financing: Students will learn about different funding sources, including angel investors, venture capital, and crowdfunding, and how to prepare a pitch for investors.

v. Building and leading a team: Students will learn how to hire and manage a team, and how to create a positive company culture.

vi. Managing operations and growth: Students will learn how to set up systems and processes, manage finances, and scale the business.

vii. Legal and ethical considerations: Students will learn about intellectual property protection, business structure and taxation, employee contracts, and corporate social responsibility.

viii. Real-world examples: Students will learn from the experiences of successful technopreneurs through case studies and real-world examples.

ix. Final project: Students will have the opportunity to develop their own technopreneurial project, including a business plan and pitch.

Examples of Technopreneurship

Here are a few examples of technopreneurship:

· Software development: A technopreneur might start a software development company, creating custom software solutions for businesses or developing a software product that can be sold to a wide market.

· Mobile app development: A technopreneur might create a mobile app that solves a specific problem or meets a need for users, such as a task management app or a fitness tracker.

· Online marketplace: A technopreneur might start an online marketplace that connects buyers and sellers of a specific product or service, such as a platform for buying and selling handmade crafts or a platform for booking travel.

· E-commerce store: A technopreneur might start an e-commerce store that sells a specific product or product lines, such as clothing or home goods.

· Web design and development: A technopreneur might start a web design and development company, creating custom websites for businesses or developing a website builder tool.

· Virtual reality: A technopreneur might start a company that creates virtual reality experiences for entertainment or training purposes.

These are just a few examples of technopreneurship, and there are many other ways that technology can be used to start and grow a business.

Example of a successful technopreneur

One example of a successful technopreneur is Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla. Musk co-founded PayPal, an online payment system, and has since gone on to start several successful tech-based businesses, including SpaceX, which designs and manufactures advanced rockets and spacecraft, and Tesla, which produces electric vehicles and renewable energy products.

Elon Musk is known for his innovative approach to business and his ability to identify and solve problems. He has disrupted traditional industries and has consistently demonstrated the ability to bring new and innovative products to market. His companies have achieved significant growth and have disrupted traditional business models, making him a well-known and successful technopreneur.

Mark Zuckerberg: Zuckerberg is the co-founder and CEO of Facebook, the world’s largest social networking platform. He started the company while he was a student at Harvard University and has since grown it into a global giant, with billions of users around the world.

Jeff Bezos: Bezos is the founder and CEO of Amazon, one of the world’s largest online retailers. He started the company as an online bookstore in 1994 and has since expanded it to sell a wide range of products, including electronics, clothing, and home goods.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin: Page and Brin are the co-founders of Google, the world’s largest search engine. They started the company while they were students at Stanford University and have since grown it into a global tech giant, with a wide range of products and services, including email, maps, and cloud computing.

Steve Jobs: Jobs was the co-founder and CEO of Apple, one of the world’s most successful and innovative technology companies. He is credited with helping to revolutionize the computer, music, and smartphone industries and was known for his ability to bring innovative products to market.

Satya Nadella: Nadella is the CEO of Microsoft, one of the world’s largest and most successful technology companies. He has led the company through a period of significant growth and has focused on expanding the company’s cloud computing and artificial intelligence capabilities.

Technopreneurship in engineering

Technopreneurship in engineering involves using engineering skills and knowledge to create and grow a business. Engineers who become technopreneurs often have a strong understanding of technology and how to use it to solve problems and create value.

There are many ways that engineers can use their skills and knowledge to start and grow a technopreneurial venture. Some examples might include:

Developing a new product: Engineers might use their skills in design and prototyping to develop a new product, such as a new medical device or consumer electronics product.

Starting a consulting firm: Engineers might use their technical expertise to consult with businesses on a variety of topics, such as improving manufacturing processes or developing new products.

Starting a software company: Engineers with a background in computer science might start a software development company, creating custom software solutions or developing a software product that can be sold to a wide market.

Starting a manufacturing company: Engineers might use their understanding of manufacturing processes to start a company that produces a specific product or product lines, such as industrial equipment or consumer goods.

Starting a service business: Engineers might use their technical skills to start a service business, such as a repair or maintenance company.

Overall, technopreneurship in engineering involves using engineering skills and knowledge to start and grow a business, and there are many ways that engineers can use their expertise to create value and solve problems through technopreneurial ventures.

Characteristic of Entrepreneur

There are several characteristics that are common to successful technopreneurs:

· Technical expertise: Technopreneurs often have a strong understanding of technology and how to use it to solve problems and create value.

· Business acumen: Technopreneurs must have a strong understanding of business principles, including marketing, sales, finance, and operations.

· Innovation: Technopreneurs are innovative thinkers who can identify and solve problems and create new and innovative products or services.

· Risk-taking: Technopreneurs must be willing to take calculated risks to succeed, as starting and growing a business involves some level of risk.

· Persistence: Technopreneurs must be persistent and able to overcome challenges and setbacks to succeed.

· Adaptability: Technopreneurs must be adaptable and able to pivot or change course as needed in response to changing market conditions or customer needs.

· Leadership: Technopreneurs must be effective leaders who are able to inspire and motivate their teams and guide the growth and direction of the business.

· Overall, successful technopreneurs are technical experts with a strong understanding of business principles, and they are innovative, persistent, adaptable, and effective leaders.

Qualities of a good technopreneur

Here are some qualities that are commonly associated with successful technopreneurs:

Technical expertise: Technopreneurs have a strong understanding of technology and how to use it to solve problems and create value.

Business acumen: Technopreneurs have a strong understanding of business principles, including marketing, sales, finance, and operations.

Innovation: Technopreneurs are innovative thinkers who are able to identify and solve problems and create new and innovative products or services using technology.

Risk-taking: Technopreneurs are willing to take calculated risks in order to succeed, as starting and growing a business involves some level of risk.

Persistence: Technopreneurs are persistent and able to overcome challenges and setbacks.

Adaptability: Technopreneurs are adaptable and able to pivot or change course as needed in response to changing market conditions or customer needs.

Leadership: Technopreneurs are effective leaders who can inspire and motivate their teams and guide the growth and direction of the business.

Strong work ethic: Technopreneurs are hardworking and dedicated and are willing to put in the time and effort needed to succeed.

Strong communication skills: Technopreneurs can effectively communicate their ideas and vision to others and are able to build and maintain relationships with customers, employees, and partners.

In a nutshell, successful technopreneurs are technical experts with a strong understanding of business principles, and they are innovative, persistent, adaptable, and effective leaders with strong communication skills.



Francis Kagai

is a researcher in telecoms, data security & privacy. Interests in IoT & DLT in Emergency systems and elections data security.